Bubba Memorial Cyclocross Race #2
October 13, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Big Shark “Veteran Racer” Butthead (aka- Josh Johnson)- a previous season’s A Race winner received a dog a long, long time ago named “Bubba.” Butthead thought Bubba was a puppy, which it/he was definitely not. Actually, many people at first mistook Bubba for some sort of Hog, (perhaps a razorback?), but that is a different issue entirely. Although we enjoyed Bubba we did not think Bubba was going to live past another cross season. We really didn’t. He was NOT a puppy. So this series is dedicated, again, to Bubba. Sadly, Bubba passed away many summers ago- despite being commemorated for the past decade. We miss him Bubba, although in truth he really had exceeded all of our expectations by remaining somewhat alive for as long as he did. He was adorable, albeit weird.
Cyclocross features a perfect blend of mountain biking and road bike racing – plus a few skills unique to the sport. It’s a great way to spend the day outdoors as the seasons change – and keep your competitive edge. Lots of cowbell. Each race is under an hour – and we allow athletes to self-select their category based on fitness, competency, and what they did the night before.