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On May 7, 2022, UFD, GORC and Terrain Magazine team up to host the Greensfelder Challenge. This is GORC’s big fundraiser of the year to keep the club in the black and the trail building days moving forward. As always, bring your wallet AND we can process credit cards now.

How about the trail, you ask? It’s a challenging and semi-technical course that includes a lot of climbing and descending. It is also our biggest single fundraising event and helps keep us operating in the black year after year. GORC volunteers will be manning the super-awesome BBQ pit and selling GORC merchandise, course marshaling and helping out wherever needed. UFD will be handling the race registration, check-in, operations and scoring.

Greensfelder is one of Missouri’s hidden treasure. Tucked in the hills in West St. Louis County, Greensfelder offers something for all levels. It is some of the most fun and challenging singletrack in the region. GORC has continued to improve on this excllence by donating incredible volunteer hours to this trail as well as many others in the area. It is time to give back! DRJ Racing has teamed up with GORC and we are donating 100% of the profits to show our appreciation. So come join us in racing some of the sweetest single track around and feel good about doing so knowing your entry fees will be going to a great organization!

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