Faust Park O-Meet
March 27, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
This event will be both a Virtual Event and an In Person Event! Registration will open after permitting confirmation.
In Person Event: This will occur on March 27th. Exact start time TBD, but it will be in the morning. (somewhere in the 8-9am timeframe). Registration will be online only, and will close on March 24th. There will be 2 course – a beginner course and advanced course.
Virtual Event: This will occur anytime (on your own) between March 25th and April 3rd. It will be the same courses offer in the In Person event (beginner and advanced) and the controls/flags will be out the entire time. The virtual event registration will also be online only, and at registration completion, you will be send a downloadable pdf of the course to print at home. (legal size paper)
Come explore the famous home of the Butterfly House and Carousel! Did you know there was a lot more to Faust Park than these attractions? David Fisher is designing a beginner’s 2.7 KM course and an advanced 5 KM course to take you through the lesser known areas of this awesome park. The course will be open in Do-It-Yourself format from March25th – April 3rd. We are tentatively planning on a group in-person Meet on March 27th depending on the status of the Pandemic and St. Louis Park guidelines. We will update the site as more information is available. Stay tuned!