Death By Gravel 2021
March 21, 2021 @ 12:00 am - 9:00 pm
We regret to inform you that you’ve been invited to Death by Gravel 2021 which is just a do-over of the shit show that was 2020. Our condolences. Please notify your next of kin and make sure your affairs are in order. Your day of reckoning is March 21. Better stop sucking and start riding. There is no start time other than Sunday March 21. Just come and do the ride. Assemble your own crew. Start when you want, ride all damn day, then stuff your face with some local delicacies. Pay attention to local health ordinances and make sure to act right while you’re in town. That means staying the fuck away from me (except for you, Peat).
101 mile, Death by Gravel
50 mile, Serious Injury by Gravel