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Here is your chance to cheer on some of the most elite trail runners in the nation by volunteering for several of the aid stations for the OT100m Endurance Run that begins at Hwy P TH and ends at Bass River Resort. OTA Volunteers are needed to help man several aid stations located along the run. Please sign up with availability on Saturday. Volunteers are also needed Friday 11/2 to leaf blow the where the OT crosses the roads which makes a huge difference for the runners. There also may be some sawing to do as well. Volunteers will be based out of the OTA office in Potosi. Some meals will be provided. If you have volunteered before you know how much fun this is, if you haven’t now is the time to see the fruits of your labors on the OT by watching these runners take on the OT. If you are interested and have any please contact me, kathie.brennan@ozarktrail.com


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