River City Racers Kids Triathlon
June 24, 2018
River City Racers Triathlon- fun local kids triathlon.
Registration Deadlines, for $30 you get:
• June 10- Guarantees an official race t-shirt and medal on race day.
• June 17- Final day of registration, you still get a medal.
• June 24- 7:00AM – 7:30AM (at the Warson Woods pool) – No medal or t-shirt, but you can still race.
Details: https://tinyurl.com/RCR-details
Register: http://tinyurl.com/RCR-kids-tri Create a Team Unify account to register; your confirmation email will say your Status is Pending Approval – but you are registered!
Volunteers: We must have your assistance! We ask that one adult per registered family register to volunteer and help out.
Click here now to grab the best volunteer slots!.
Any Questions? Email us at cscseahorses@gmail.com
When: Sunday June 24th @ 8AM
Where: Warson Woods Swimming Pool (900 Warson Woods Drive, St. Louis, MO 63122 Map
Age Groups & Race Distances:
6-10 years old- 100 yard swim, 1.1 mile bike & 0.4 mile run.
11-15 years old- 200 yard swim, 2.2 mile bike & 0.9 mile run.
Cost: $30 each participant
Course Details – Click here for details
Swimming- During the race, the pool will be staffed with lifeguards. Participants need to be able to safely complete the race distances. Non-swimmers will not be allowed to participate. No personal flotation devices may be used.
Bike- Training wheels, tricycles or scooters will not be permitted. All participants must wear a CPSC approved helmet while on bikes. Bicycle safety inspections are recommended, but not required prior to the morning of the event. The bike course will have volunteer course marshals stationed throughout the course. Parents of 6-10 year old participants may join their kids on the biking & running legs of the race.