WMN’s Group Bike Ride – KWood
June 20, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
This is a women specific group bike ride. It is a “no-drop” ride and will always have a “sweep” person to ensure no one is left behind. All riding levels welcome. (Don’t make this your first ride in years) The ride will be approximately 17 miles on the streets (with traffic) through Kirkwood, Clayton, Rock Hill, and Webster Groves. The route will start at the Alpine Shop in Kirkwood, MO at 6pm sharp. Leaving the shop at 6pm. If needed we can break up into two different groups determined by fitness level once we regroup at Clayton and Ballas road..
Helmets, water, extra bike tube, and a good working safe bike is required. All participants will need to sign a Alpine Shop liability waiver each season to have on file. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Q at 314-775-2142. Lets Rock-N-Roll!
Click Here for more Information & Registration, or copy & paste link below:
This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/alpineshop.com/women-s-group?hceid=YWxwaW5lc2hvcC5jb21fZmZvZWgyYTR2OG1pdnUxdDg2ZnRlanRnc2tAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.2nfjk626ooij9591k8inumonap&hs=121