The Ozarks Mountain Challenge
May 4, 2024 @ 6:30 am - 7:00 pm
We have partnered with the Missouri State Parks (Sam A. Baker Park) to see who can hike 7,980’ elevation (The height of Mt. Olympus) right here in the beautiful Ozark region in Missouri. Each participant will have twelve hours to hike nine times up Mudlick Mountain. This vertical ascent is equal to hiking Mount Olympus in the state of Washington. Why did we choose Mt. Olympus as a benchmark? Although in Greek mythology Olympus meant “mountain” or “gathering place of the gods”, in modern times Olympus represents “a place or state of joy and happiness.” The total hiking distance is approximately 17 miles. Each hiker will be shuttled back down to the base after each successful ascent. The route is Mudlick Mountain Fire Tower Road (available on All Trails app), which is a chat road. This challenge is NOT a race. It is the external (physical) YOU versus the internal (mental) YOU. Other participants & race volunteers will be encouraging you along the way.