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Timed by BRRace Mangement ChronoTrack_97x32 ChronoTrack-Live_97x32
Get your heart healthy for Valentines Day and Run or Shuffle for the Chocolate. This exciting and fun 4 mile run/walk returns to the the streets of Downtown St. Louis to spice up Valentine’s weekend for couples and singles alike. Featuring copious amounts of outstanding chocolate from St. Louis’ premier chocolatier, Bissingers.

Race Categories: Participants will be categorized, scored and identified by their age and relationship status. During registration you will identify if you are one of the following (click here for complete information):
•On the Market (Bachelors, Bachelorettes, Cougars, Manthers)
•Off the Market (Taken)
•Happy Couples (2 Person Team)
•It’s Complicated (3 Person Team)

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