Tunnel Hill 100/50/Marathon
November 9 @ 8:00 am - November 10 @ 5:00 pm
How fast do you want to run? It’s more than a slogan. How fast is up to you, and the amount of work, and perhaps equally important, rest/tapering, you put into preparation for the race. We’ve seen it enough times to know that with the proper training, and tapering, you have an excellent chance at meeting or exceeding your goals.
Looking for your first 100? How about your first sub 24? Sub 20? Lower?
It’s possible here at Tunnel Hill.
There are a large % of first-time finishers in the 100 or the 50 miles. For those who have run a 100 or 50, the majority of them set a personal record, and oftentimes by a wide margin.
Are you next?